Dev Log 1

Good afternoon ladies and gents this is my first post on this site... and really my first ever dev log.  I think this one is just going to be about showcasing what i have done up to this point.  Currently the game is in late alpha with the majority of mechanics and first 4 levels completed.  Below you can see some videos highlighting both the games mechanics (some of them) and the fact you're going to die a lot. 

Over the past week I have had a number of people test out the game and fully intend to keep the demo updated with several of the requested improvements.  Naturally I plan to keep the demo version limited to just the first 4 levels but the game will likely end up quite affordable to the average gamer!

Anyway, got to get back to programming and look forward to any questions comments and concerns!



TurtleRushInstaller.exe 1 GB
Jul 18, 2019

Get Turtle Rush Demo

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